Sunday, 27 July 2008

and the winner is.............................

Linz has won the blog candy I had up for grabs to celebrate the hits on my blog!
My little helper Leah picked Lindsey's name out of a hat.

Your Candy is on it's way to you Linz. Enjoy!

Two quickies here to show you. Because I am the super efficient and organised person I am I had to spruce up two bottles of wine for the girls teachers at 8am on Friday morning! So I basically made two tags to tie on to the bottles! I did make a 2,4,6,10 box for one. It didn't go too well but was ok. Unfortunately Faye forgot to take it with her so I drank Mr Rollinson's bottle last night! I did have plans (as always) to mkae a little gift album or similar forthe two teachers but didn't get around to it. All teachers love wine anyway don't they?!

Anyway, I'm off. It's too hot to be inside.

Bye for now.

Lou x


lindsey williamson said...

whoo hoo, i've won!!! yeah yeah yeah!!! well done Leah!!!!!

Cazamataz said...

Lucky Mr R I think all teachers must love wine and if they don't they probably need introducing to the benefits !! . hope you can make it at the weekend on to you keep the great work up Lou xxx